Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thanks for the wedding

It was amazing. We have the best friends and family on the planet, and quite simply, it was exactly what we envisioned. A three day festival, a mishmash of family, old and new friends, canoes, kegs, roasts, toasts, me crying, Penelope the Pig, a beautiful ceremony, me crying some more, great music, more food, more crying, Phish, and, of course, Lil' Wayne. Thanks to everyone for coming, thanks to the many who made it possible, and I hope everyone had as good a time as we did.

After a whirlwind 3 days in which I found out I passed the bar, packed for a four month honeymoon, said goodbye to friends and family, and stayed up all night at Lillie's picking her brain about what the hell we should do when we got to Thailand, we flew out Wednesday morning from Raleigh and arrived Thursday night in Bangkok, via Tokyo. Upon arrival in Bangkok, we realized that we have given absolutely no thought or planning to this trip whatsoever.

Off we go...


  1. We had a blast too! (Except Simon the during the fireworks.) We told the girls that we went to the grocery store and got lost on the way back and they TOTALLY BOUGHT IT!!

    Have fun you too. Take lots of photos, even if you can't post them, and please bring me back a live elephant if it's not too much trouble.

  2. I think you want to say "we were intentionally spontaneous," not "we have given absolutely no thought or planning to this trip whatsoever." Love, Mom
